πŸ–Ό NFTs in real life

A live painting NFT was sold and the STM team is growing!

Security Token Market is tokenizing! After week 4 of the Test The Waters campaign, we have received $3M+ in pledges from 500+ investors from 20+ countries and 6 continents!


Gooood morning, Rainmakers!

As always, I have two captivating topics for you to dive into:

1️⃣ The STM team is growing: The Security Token Market team has added two full-time employees to its arsenal! Please welcome Megan Nyvold and Jason Barraza to the team!

2️⃣ Security NFTs are here to stay: Entoro is getting in on the security NFT game - this time via a painting from the world-renown artist, Rolando Diaz!

Without further ado, it's time to…

Get liquid πŸ’§

πŸ“ˆ The STM team is growing

There comes a time in a company's lifecycle when it's time to take it to the next level.

I am pleased to announce Security Token Market has officially added two full-time team members to take us to new heights!

"So Jonah, who are the team members?"

I'll let Michael introduce them to you!

*Insert Michael Buffer's voice*

Allllll the way from DENVERRRR, COLORADOOO.. earning a Bachelor of Science in Strategic Communications from the University of Colorado... with experience at Tik Tok AND Western Union.... everyone please give a warm welcome to MEGANNNNNNNNN NYVOLDDDDDD!

Megan will be joining the team as Head of Media and looking to be an advocate for women in our industry and fintech as a whole.

*If you haven't already, it's time to go back to the normal voice in your head*

She aims to use social media to create a welcoming atmosphere for everyone to feel comfortable participating.

In just her first week, she's already impressed the whole team with her strategic thinking and eagerness to learn.

If you think you have a good understanding of our team now, think again.

Megan is showcasing all of our unique personalities via our Tik Tok channel.

Aside from her professionally, Megan loves to try new foods and to stay fit, which makes Miami a perfect destination for her! 🌴

Welcome to the team, Megan! 

So that's Megan, it's time to meet our other newest full-time member!

Take it away, Michael!

*Michael Buffer's Voice*

Allllll the way from CHICAGOOOOO, ILLINOISSS...earning a business degree from THE University of Miami... with extensive consulting experience, and even qualifies as an accredited investor... everyone please give a warm welcome to... JASONNNNNN BARRAZAAAA!!!

*Back to the normal voice*

Jason has been working with us in some capacity for over a year now and has been nothing short of exceptional.

Jason is consistently surpassing our expectations and going beyond what is asked of him - if you need to get anything done, he's your guy. 

On top of that, he comes with a plethora of business experience.

While attending college, he had the opportunity to consult over 100 startups, giving him an inside look at why companies succeed and fail.

Jason is also a proud Mexican who grew up in a low-income community, with the goal to bring the expertise and knowledge he has gained working in the financial industry back to his family and community.

He envisions a world where the financial industry can become fully democratized that enables everyone to have an equal opportunity to grow their wealth.

Aside from his aspirations, Jason may be the biggest Chipotle fan I know - he once ate it 7 days in a row!

If Chipotle were smart they would sponsor Jason ASAP, befoe other brands do!

Welcome to the team, Jason!

If you haven't already, follow Megan and Jason's Twitter to watch their success!

πŸ“Œ Security NFTs are here to stay

A few weeks ago I discussed a new acronym coined by Republic, S-NFTs, which stands for security token NFTs.

It's quite confusing because in general, shares in any security are fungible and NFTs are innately non-fungible.

It looks like Entoro has officially adopted this new acronym with a security token NFT of their own!

For those of you who don't know, Entoro is a technology-enabled investment bank and advisory group.

Republic was first to the punch, but Entoro may have created the most unique NFT and security token ever.

During the Texas Blockchain Summit in Austin, Texas last month, Rolando Diaz was asked to paint from scratch live for the audience.

This isn't the first time he was asked to do this.

In fact, he is a world-renown painter who has painted live at events associated with President George W. Bush Jr and other high-profile names.

However, this is the first time an artist has created an original canvas painting to be immediately minted as an NFT and sold as a compliant security! 

Yes, you heard that right!

Term of the Security Token NFT offering:

  • SNFT Name: Buen Viaje (translation – Good Trip or Good Voyage)

  • Number of SNFTs: 9

  • Minimum bid: $25,000

  • Structure: Reg D 506(c) - exclusive to accredited investors

  • Investor rights: 10% royalty on each subsequent transfer

  • Payment methods: USD, BTC, ETH, and USDC

  • Moon Shot Consolidation Option: The right to purchase the original painting at a purchase price equal to the highest price paid for a single NFT if someone purchased all 9 NFTs 

This is a super cool way to own an NFT and have the right to royalties!

The NFT holders will not be able to transfer their NFT for 12-months, per the rules when investing in Reg D 506(c) offerings.

However, Entoro, just announced a partnership with the INX ATS to enable the trading of these security NFTs when the lock-up period expires!

I am not for certain how the offering went, but the fact that a partnership with a secondary trading venue was made tells me it went well!

Stay tuned πŸ“ˆ

πŸ’¦ What else is Drippin’

✍️ πŸ“Ή Content from the team 

Thanks for tuning in! Keep an eye out each Monday for the next security token adventure πŸ§—β€β™€οΈ

Everything in this report is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing in this report should be taken as financial advice or as an inducement to purchase or sell any security. Nothing in this market report should be used as legal advice. Always do your own research before making any decisions regarding financial transactions of securities.


β€’ No money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted; 

β€’ No offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement is filed and only through the platform of an intermediary (funding portal or broker-dealer); and 

β€’ A person’s indication of interest includes no obligation or commitment of any kind.