🎯 Nancy Pelosi just IPO'd

Own an ETF tracking Nancy Pelosi's portfolio and President...

Welcome to the 39 new Rainmakers who have joined us since last week. Join the 2,401 others who are laughing, learning, and staying at the forefront of tech every week!

Today's newsletter is brought to you by Fusang!

Gooood morning, Rainmakers! ☀️

As always, I have two captivating topics for you to dive into:

1️⃣  🎯 Nancy Pelosi just IPO'd: What if I told you that there's an investment product that tracks Nancy Pelosi's portfolio available to everyone?

2️⃣  ₿ Executive Order officially validates crypto initiatives: President Biden signs an executive order to make sense of all the crypto mayhem... and I think it's a great thing!

Without further ado, it's time to…

Get liquid 💧

🎯 Nancy Pelosi just IPO'd

It's Monday morning, you walk downstairs to make a cup of coffee, and start reading the What's Drippin' newsletter... per usual.

But this morning is different... you read a jarring headline that reads, "Nancy Pelosi just IPO'd" and you ask yourself: "What did I just walk into?"

Don't worry, this isn't some politically charged newsletter, but more an inside look at how granular tokenization and security tokens can go!

Over the past 50 weeks, we've broken down supercars, paintings, real estate, and virtually every other asset class, but those are just the tip of the iceberg.

Tokenization goes much deeper than materialistic assets.

This week, we are breaking down the tokenization of government officials' portfolios - more specifically, Nancy Pelosi's portfolio.

*It's important to note it is not yet tokenized but intends to be.*

As a legal requirement, government officials must publicly disclose their portfolios.

Due to this transparency, certain conclusions can be drawn from them, such as insider trading or illegal activity.

Whether any of that is true or not, House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, has been outperforming the market, which has had many people suspicious and displeased.

In fact, in 2021 Pelosi outperformed the S&P 500 Index by 22%!

Fortunately, for interested traders thanks to Digital Markets, WallStreet Bets, and MERJ Exchange, you too can gain exposure to her portfolio via the 'Nancy Pelosi ETF'.

Introducing the WSBDApp Insider Portfolio (INSDR)!

Even if it's true that Nancy Pelosi or other government officials have some sort of 'advantage' it doesn't matter because now anyone can gain exposure to the 'advantage.'

Let's break down those details:

  • Trading Venue: MERJ Exchange

  • Blockchain Protocol: Liquid Network (Rumored)

  • Qualified Investors: US and all non-sanctioned nations

  • Portfolio Tracking Procedure: Actively updates the portfolio per Pelosi's trading activity

₿ Executive Order officially validates crypto initiatives

As I read the headline: "President Biden to Sign Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets" all I could think to myself was FINALLY!

For years the US has sat on the sidelines watching the vast majority of other nations develop a regulatory framework for digital assets.

President Biden said enough is enough - It's time to reinstate ourselves as the leader.

Here are the 6 key priorities that the Executive Order plans to achieve:

  • Consumer and investor protection

  • Financial stability

  • Illicit finance

  • U.S. leadership in the global financial system and economic competitiveness

  • Financial inclusion

  • Responsible innovation

To sum up, the US aims to figure out a way where innovation in the blockchain sector can be harnessed in a productive, yet conservative way that not only protects investors but supports innovation and disruption.

After all, that's what the US was built on!

It's a fact that innovation moves much faster than regulation, which can be a major roadblock for growth.


Put simply, if you were planning on starting a venture - wouldn't you feel more comfortable doing that if there was a regulatory framework that said you can do it without the risk of getting shut down?

Think of it in another way:

The cars we drive today are our 'vehicles' to get to the destination we want to go to. The government has created a set of rules that we abide by, such as speed limits, road signs, etc.

If there weren't any signs or speed limits - wouldn't you be more hesitant to drive?

When you drive on a road with no rules, there's so much uncertainty that it can drive people away.

However, once the rules are made clear for the drivers, you will see many enter the road because they'll be confident what they are doing is legal.

And that's exactly what this executive order is going to achieve.

It's going to bring new drivers to the road and the US will once again position themselves as a leader in innovation and disruption.

💦 What else is Drippin’

  1. Polymesh Offers $25M in Developer Grants to Kick-Start Security Token Projects: Polymesh is working to speed the adoption of security tokens!

  2. tZERO Starts Trading Myra Park’s Equity: A new security token is now live on tZERO!

  3. FSC recognizes digital exchange: The FSC has recognized Fusang Exchange in the same conversation as some of the top national exchanges like the London and Tokyo Exchange.

Thanks for tuning in! Keep an eye out each Monday for the next security token adventure 🧗‍♀️


• No money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted; 

• No offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement is filed and only through the platform of an intermediary (funding portal or broker-dealer); and 

• A person’s indication of interest includes no obligation or commitment of any