🇰🇿 Kazakhstan has security tokens?

Even Kazakhstan is trading security tokens!

Welcome to the 34 new Rainmakers who have joined us since last week. Join the 2,368 others who are laughing, learning, and staying at the forefront of tech every week!

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Gooood morning, Rainmakers! ☀️

As always, I have two captivating topics for you to dive into:

1️⃣  🇰🇿 Security tokens in Kazakhstan: Security tokens have emerged in Kazakhstan, but which ones?

2️⃣  📊 tZERO adds another security: tZERO is on a roll of adding more securities to its platform!

Without further ado, it's time to…

Get liquid 💧

🇰🇿 Security tokens in Kazakhstan?!

If someone came up to me and told me that Kazakhstan was getting in the security token game, I'd give them a perplexed look like...

I mean after all, maybe this is me being ignorant, but you don't hear a lot of news coming out of Kazakhstan.

Even though the majority of us don't know very much about the country - they are looking more and more like a fintech dark horse.

How can this be, you ask?

I'll tell you how!

The Bitfinex security token platform has officially gone live with the commencement of trading for the Blockstream Mining Note (BMN).

Currently, the BMN token now trades on two marketplaces: SideSwap (a DEX built on the Liquid Network) and Bitfinex.

According to CoinMarketCap.com, Bitfinex incurs the 8th most in trading volume for their crypto arm.

In other words, Bitfinex is not a platform to ignore.

In fact, just last September, the Bitfinex Securities platform received regulatory approval to operate a security token-powered exchange by the AFSA, which is the SEC equivalent of Kazakhstan.

Special economic zones like the one in Kazakhstan are essentially a separate jurisdiction within a country's borders that abides by a different set of rules to, in this case, incentivize foreign investment.

This is a strategic and creative way for less powerful nations to get a piece of the pie.

Regardless of where the security tokens trade, I'm just excited more regulated venues are live!

📊 tZERO adds another security!

Just a few weeks ago, tZERO added the Curzio Research (CEO) security token and is back at it again with another security!

Before I dive into the details, I just want to say I am personally proud of the pace they are moving at right now.

I've been around since before tZERO was a live ATS and let me tell you, all I ever wanted was more trading tokens.

It looks like my wish is finally coming true!

The new security token is called 'MarketSpace Capital.'

MarketSpace Capital is a private equity real estate firm headquartered in Houston, Texas - focused on ground-up developments and value-add investments throughout the US!

With over $400 million dollars of assets under management, they came to play.

Their new security, Myra Park, also called “The Spot” will commence trading on the tZERO ATS on March 7, 2022.

"Wait, isn't March 7th today?!"

Myra park is a 250-unit multifamily apartment complex built on the Ethereum blockchain.

Equity in the Spot at Myra Park represents MarketSpace Capital’s first real estate tokenization project, with plans to tokenize additional investments in the future.

Offering details:

  • Investor Preferred Return: 8%

  • Targeted Investor IRR: 26%

  • Targeted Equity Multiple: 2.49x

  • Targeted Hold Period: 3-5 years

  • Distribution: Quarterly

This will be the first security to commence trading following the launch of its self-clearing operations, confirming early claims that this launch is key to scaling at a quicker pace and increasing the velocity at which tZERO onboards assets.

I think it's safe to say they have officially found their footing and are primed to take over the market and space.

Which securities will be next? 

Keep reading each edition and you'll be the first to know!

💦 What else is Drippin’

Thanks for tuning in! Keep an eye out each Monday for the next security token adventure 🧗‍♀️


• No money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted; 

• No offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement is filed and only through the platform of an intermediary (funding portal or broker-dealer); and 

• A person’s indication of interest includes no obligation or commitment of any